在会上,南京大学孙永忠教授、兰州大学耿俊教授、国家优秀青年基金获得者浙江大学王伟教授、中山大学黄景炽教授、北京大学王超教授、贵州大学李思锐副教授和浙江大学李徽博士分别作题为“Incompressible inviscid limit on thin domain”、“Homogenization of parabolic systems with non-self-similar scales”、“ On some free boundary problems in ideal incompressible complex fluids”、“Local well-posedness and blow-up phenomenon for a generalization two component Camassa-Holm system”、“Zero-viscosity limit of the Navier-Stokes equations”、“Rigorous justification of the uniaxial limit from the inertial Qian-Sheng's Q-tensor theory to the Ericksen-Leslie theory”、“Stability of the Stokes immersed boundary problem with Helfrich energy”的学术报告。